Death by Chocolate Raspberry Scone Book Review

Death by Chocolate Raspberry Scone Book Review

Title: Death by Chocolate Raspberry Scone
Author: Sarah Graves
Published: April 23, 2024, Kensington Cozies
No. of Pages: 292
Cover Price: $20.25 Hardcover, $17.95 Paperback, $9.41 Kindle

Fans of Sarah Graves’ popular Death by Chocolate series will want to immediately pick up the seventh installment, Death by Chocolate Raspberry Scone. Jake and Ellie are back, and when one of Jake’s childhood friend, Sally Coates, comes to her for help in locating her husband, a skilled fisherman, who has disappeared. Sally’s husband hasn’t made much money in the past, but he owns an ancient gold doubloon that he inherited that may just help out their financial situation. Unfortunately, the coin is also missing along with Sally’s husband. Jake and Ellie investigate, putting themselves in danger and meeting up with several people who know about the coin and become suspects.

Readers of this series will be familiar with the pair of amateur sleuths, but Graves gives enough background information that new readers will feel like they know them; Graves has developed the characters so they are viable, and the protagonist and main supporting characters are likeable. There are a few unique characters in this novel, and they help to move the story along and keep readers guessing not only whether Sally’s husband is still alive, but which characters will turn out to be a murderer. The storyline is good, and it has twists and turns, as well as a surprise dénouement. There is some suspense that builds throughout.

Those of us who aren’t savvy to the life in the East Coast Island village, will be intrigued by the goings on because just getting into a boat to explore is a foreign thing, but it seems believable, and Graves’ writing style keeps readers interested and guessing.

All told, this is a fun, fast read, and it is well-written with good characters.

Special thanks to NetGalley for supplying a review copy of this book.

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