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Investing $10K in 2013

by Sandra Baublitz
Have you had the good fortune to have a lump sum to invest? Confused where to start? Investing $10K in 2013 shows you how easy it is to make the most from your money. It will help you create a simple and successful portfolio.

This 69 page ebook is filled with a wealth of information to help you create a profitable and simple portfolio. It will teach you the basics of investing and help you to determine your goals and desires. A lump sum may seem daunting at first, but it is a really great opportunity to improve your financial future. This book will help you to invest your way to success.

The topics covered in-depth in this book range from what stocks and bonds are to how they can be used in a portfolio. Investment planning is explained along with how to design a plan. An investment plan is like a roadmap that guides you to meeting your goals.

Mutual funds and index funds are discussed and provide a basis for the simple portfolio at the end of the book. How to read a prospectus when choosing these funds is also covered. Plus, there is a section on using retirement calculators to check your financial progress.

A lump sum is a wonderful advantage for your financial future. Making the most out of it will provide you with comfort and wealth.

Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Prepare Yourself to Invest
Chapter 3 - Investment Plan Advantages
Chapter 4 - Designing an Investment Plan
Chapter 5 - What Is a Stock?
Chapter 6 - Stock Investing Terms
Chapter 7 - Stock Picking Philosophies
Chapter 8 - What Is a Bond?
Chapter 9 - Bond Investing Terms
Chapter 10 - What Is TreasuryDirect?
Chapter 11 - Municipal Bonds Explained
Chapter 12 - What is a Corporate Bond?
Chapter 13 - What Is a Mutual Fund?
Chapter 14 - 7 Tips for Choosing a Mutual Fund
Chapter 15 - Mutual Fund Fees Explained
Chapter 16 - What is a Target-Date Fund?
Chapter 17 - What is Socially Responsible Investing?
Chapter 18 - What is an Exchange-Traded Fund?
Chapter 19 - Index Fund Advantages
Chapter 20 - Ways to Diversify Your Portfolio
Chapter 21 - Diversifying With International Investing
Chapter 22 - How to Build a Simple Portfolio
Chapter 23 - Rebalancing a Portfolio
Appendix A - What is a Prospectus?
Appendix B - Monte Carlo Calculators for Retirement Planning
Appendix C - Recommended Reading
About the Author

Pages: 69
Price: $0.99 US

This ebook is available in PDF format.
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