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BellaOnline Green Statement

BellaOnline prides itself on maintaining a carbon neutral website which helps its environment and visitors at the same time. We want to ensure that we do the best we can every day to support charity groups and our visitors in a way which also keeps our world green and natural. We also want to operate in as completely transparent a way as possible, so our visitors know how our website operates!

Here's what we have determined for BellaOnline's carbon footprint.

Web Server Carbon Footprint
BellaOnline runs on three web servers which are hosted in a facility in North Carolina. Using the formulas in Determining the Carbon Footprint of a Webserver results in a total carbon footprint value for those servers of 2.8 tons per year.

That accounts for the web servers that host the BellaOnline content - but how about the people who create and maintain the content?

BellaOnline Administration Carbon Footprint
The next step is to determine how much the administration of BellaOnline impacts our atmosphere. BellaOnline has a single owner - Lisa Shea - who works out of her home. So there are no commuting costs or large office costs involved with running BellaOnline. There is Lisa and her home office.

Using the Carbon Footprint Calculator we calculated that Lisa's home office usage, including driving to get supplies and mail packages as well as the flights to the yearly BellaOnline editor US and UK gatherings, is 14,175 pounds of CO2. That is 7.1 tons.

BellaOnline Editor Carbon Footprint
BellaOnline editors all work from their home. They write their weekly articles, participate in their forums, and answer user email messages from their home computers. We have surveyed our editors for their carbon footprints and found that the total carbon footprint for all editors based on their home office size and their hours per week of work is 17 tons of CO2 per year.

BellaOnline Summary
Adding up our servers, site administration, and editor activities, BellaOnline currently has a carbon footprint of just under 27 tons of CO2 per year. We have offset this amount by joining in on the planting of a billion new trees -! By participating in this large effort we ensure that our trees are part of a rich ecosystem which can support migratory animals with a large movement corridor, and has the trees in a supportive environment where they will grow and prosper. Our offset helps to ensure our planet converts that carbon dioxide we've created into fresh oxygen!

We buy more trees than required for every year of our existence, so BellaOnline is proudly carbon negative for its entire lifetime! Every year our site's operation creates more trees and oxygen and wildlife habitat than the CO2 we create!

Be sure to participate in our live Earth Day Challenge - going on NOW!

Green Living and Carbon Footprints
BellaOnline Green Living Carbon Footprints main page
How to Calculate your Carbon Footprint
Ways to Offset your Carbon Footprint
Reduce your Carbon Footprint
Carbon Footprint Statistics
Determining the Carbon Footprint of a Webserver
FREE Green Living Ebook Series

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