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BellaOnline Management

BellaOnline is unique in the world of large content websites. We are owned by a single woman - Lisa Shea. We have only one employee to manage our website - Lisa Shea. Lisa gently tends to the needs of the 300+ volunteer editors who work in the system. Our aim is to provide high quality content to our visitors, to run as few ads as possible, and to donate as much as we can to charity projects.

Lisa Shea Lisa Shea, Owner
For the longest time BellaOnline did not have this "management page" written. We are proud that we work as a team and vote on changes as a community. We felt no need to single Lisa out as the owner and organizer of the site. However, this sometimes led to the misconception that BellaOnline was run by a corporate giant or had similarities to money-priority investor-run websites. We decided it was time to make it clear how different we are from the other sites you might have visited.

Lisa Shea comes from dual backgrounds of writing and database development. She was lucky enough to land her first job at a biotech company in the late 1980s. They provided access to the start of the internet - FTP, TELNET and MAIL. As the internet expanded, so did her interest. She had content online in the text-only days, and once graphical web pages were available, she quickly delved into those. It was only natural that her passions led her to online collaborative web content.

Lisa Shea hand coded this entire BellaOnline system from scratch, using ASP and JavaScript. She coded the article content system, the editor training system, the newsletter distribution, the membership area, and much more. She brought in the forums and mail systems to integrate. She handles all code changes, all site maintenance, all advertising and marketing.

BellaOnline has grown exponentially over the years. There are now four volunteer managers who help watch over the training, forum, ebook and editor areas of the BellaOnline website, and of course the 300 or so editors who make up the core content writers for our topical areas. That is it! We have no technical support, no sales people, no marketing analysts, no web designers. We handle everything ourselves so that we can donate as much as possible to the charity organizations we believe in.

There have been many attempts to buy us out, often from corporations who hope to fill our site with the pop-up ads they feel we are lacking. They believe they could greatly "monetize" BellaOnline. We stand steadfast! Our purpose for BellaOnline is to use its high traffic for good, to bring great content to our visitors in as low an ad environment as possible.


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Irish Guinness Brownies Recipe

Easy Corned Beef Brunch Bake Recipe

Sewing Time Savers


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Summertime Foods
Corn on the Cob
Burgers on the Grill
Apple Pie


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