The autumn equinox, that balance point of light and dark, is closely tied to the moon. In China the Moon Festival happens around the autumn equinox, celebrating gratitude and the warmth of good friends and family. This year it was Sept 15th. Our last eclipse of 2016 was a penumbral lunar eclipse on Sept 16th. It fell in conjunction with the full harvest moon, also a symbol of thankfulness and appreciating those who care about you. The autumn equinox is a perfect time to add to those celebrations. It's a wonderful moment to treasure all we have and to share warmth with those who support us.
Mused's art draws us in to that natural world. From thundering stallions to pensive moths, from delicate bees to hungry tortoises, we are intricately entwined with every living creature which shares our Earth.
Poetry paints rich images. There are mugs of steaming cider, purple mums dancing in the wind, woodpeckers tapping on birch, and ivy-shrouded windows.
Fiction draws us into new worlds. Burdened children find comfort in the orderly marching of ants. A man resigned to a hard life of fishing still dreams of painting in France. We view a dying woman's days through the gaze of her beloved dog.
Non-fiction opens our eyes to the struggles of our fellow travelers on this big blue marble. A woman finds a way to move beyond her unhappy childhood. Two separate stories share unique views of the trauma of a miscarriage. We hear of a childhood in Tehran and a family's new start in New York. A woman, at long last, is able to reconnect with her love of reading.
We all have so much we might take for granted. Often it is something we overlook that another person desperately craves. Take time each day to give thanks for what you have in your life. Even if it's as simple as the food on your plate, the clothes on your back, and the roof over your head, think of all of those who desperately dream for those things.
Treasure every day. For every day is precious.
Lisa Shea