Sand Goddess
Cynthia Parker
Spindly limbs, thin yet strong, outstretched
to reach the skies; running, jumping, ever in motion.
Body young and supple, bending, stretching;
No thought that life is not forever.
Pink bikini with green and white flowers,
blonde hair pulled back in a bun;
Digging holes in the sand, buckets-full displaced
until there is a small pool where, deep as the knee
the tide moves in, closer, closer, to the
edge of the pool – that hand-hewn hole in the beach.
Spilling over the edge, filling it slowly, finally completely
and there she stands. Tiny body, skinny legs, blonde curls escaping.
Half mermaid, half sand goddess – little more than five years
alive; smiling brightly, proudly, strongly –
Knowing her place, knowing her time, is now.
How I wanted to be you.