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Advertising Testimonials

BellaOnline is a large website with a small administration. Each of the women who helps to manage works from her home - so we know the concerns of small businesses! We work individually with each client to ensure they get the best possible exposure for their products.

Here are some testimonials from our happy clients!

Ann - CyberMoon Emporium
CyberMoon Emporium has been in business over 10 years. During that time, we have used many advertising venues, including both print and online. We have been very pleased with the clickthrough rate we have experienced on your site. We also enjoy the wonderful interesting articles presented on BellaOnline and are proud to be an advertising sponsor on this great site.

Sheryl -
BellaOnline is a great place to advertise! Because of the numerous newsletters and channels, we've managed to streamline and place ads that are targetted specifically to the right audience, saving both time and money. They are also proactive in letting you know how your ads are doing and always keen to help!

Eric Dahle -
I wanted to drop you a quick note complimenting you on your service.

BellaOnline has been one of our advertising staples. The quality and quantity of traffic has been outstanding. The price is a bargain considering the natural targeting of women. We have also found that our advertising efforts on BellaOnline have multiplied through word of mouth from people who first saw us there. We have found that BellaOnline visitors seem to be more prone to this word of mouth promotion than other sites.

Also, with our contest sponsorship, we get a "hard" link that search engine spiders can find. As BellaOnline receives a lot of traffic, this link has really helped us in the rankings of search engines such as Google. I have found no cheaper way to increase our search engine ranking than this sponsorship.

Keep up the good work of providing an outstanding value.

Shawn Donnille -
Superlative service, incredibly high click-through rates, and some of the finest female centric content on the web has turned me into a firm believer that advertising on works!

With firm results, and the added value of the network, we stand firm on our commitment to continue our advertising contract for many more years.

Keep up the great work!

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Designing a Web Ad - A BellaOnline Step by Step Primer!


How to Make a Solid Perfume for Spring

Self-Care, Refresh & Glow for Ethnic Beauties

Some Rose Colored Heirloom Tulips


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Summertime Foods
Corn on the Cob
Burgers on the Grill
Apple Pie

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